Books - Articulation Practice

ARTICULATION is the process by which sounds, syllables, and words are formed when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds. Articulation practice is working on specific speech sounds that children have trouble saying correctly.  

Picture books are a good way to help your child practice correct sounds while reading and discussing what’s happening in the illustrations. You may want to read the text and have your child repeat particular words that contain his or her speech sound.  For example, if reading Is Your Mama a Llama? and working on the /m/ sound, exaggerate the word “mama” on each page as you say it.  If your child is able, have them try and repeat it.  Praise them for “good talking”.

Below are some books we like to read to our clients and the sound that we emphasize to them as we read. Select the sound below.

/b/ /p/ /th/
/f/ /r/ /n/
/g/ /s/ /t/
/h/ /v/ /d/
/k/ /z/ /w/
/l/ /ch/ /s/ blends
/m/ /sh/ /r/ blends


/b/ sound


/f/ sound


/g/ sound


/h/ sound


/k/ sound


/l/ sound


/m/ sound


/p/ sound


/r/ sound


/s/ sound


/v/ sound


/z/ sound


/ch/ sound


/sh/ sound


/th/ sound


/n/ sound


/t/ sound
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book idea?
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/d/ sound


/w/ sound
Have a
book idea?
Email it to us!


/s/ blends


/r/ blends
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book idea?
Email it to us!
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Baby Babble DVD
Speech Enhancing DVD for Babies and Toddlers

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