Small Maroon Spoons (2-Pack)

$3.99 $2.99

Small Maroon Spoons (2-Pack)
The maroon spoon is a favorite because the narrow, shallow bowl makes it ideal for feeding therapy. The design of the spoon makes it easier to get foodstuffs off the spoons, compared with traditional spoons. Perfect for working with children with problems such as poor lip closure, oral hypersensitivity, or tongue thrust. Long handles allow the child to use during self feeding. Small spoons are especially useful during assessment, since the amount of food can be limited without an intrusive device. Great for home carryover. While extremely tough and break-resistant, these spoons are plastic so we do not recommend using them with clients with severe bite reflex. Dishwasher safe. No heated drying. They have no sharp edges and are produced with high-density polypropylene.The small spoon has a 1" bowl and is 5 3/4" long. Also available in large spoon size.

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